Skye Swaney - Pregnancy Nutritionist

Getting the nutrition you and your baby need in pregnancy isn’t easy…
I can help

Hi, I’m Skye, a prenatal and paediatric dietitian.

With over 15 years’ experience, my mission is to help parents give their little ones the healthiest possible start in life.

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a pregnant woman

Why Is Pregnancy Nutrition So Important?

What you eat during pregnancy plays a vital role in your baby’s development and lifelong health.

But the reality is, most expectant mums are only told what not to eat and given a prenatal supplement. And there’s so much more to growing a healthy baby.

We all know that folate and iron are vital during pregnancy, but there are many other nutrients that are just as important, nutrients that affect a baby’s development and future health - and most pregnant women are never even told about them.

Nutrition also plays a significant role in preventing and managing conditions such as morning sickness, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and premature birth.

a mom cuddling her child

I can also help you to prevent and manage pregnancy complications such as:

  • Morning sickness

  • Gestational diabetes

  • Excess pregnancy weight gain

  • Pre-eclampsia

It’s already an overwhelming time, you don’t need the added stress of wondering whether your baby’s nutrition needs are being met.

Leave that to me.

How I can help

I won’t just tell you what foods to avoid during pregnancy. I educate parents-to-be on everything you need to know about nutrition for the healthiest possible pregnancy and baby, including:

  • What prenatal supplement is right for you (because it’s definitely not one-size-fits-all!)

  • How to eat safely during pregnancy while maximising your nutrient intake

  • What nutrients are essential for growing a healthy baby and how you can make sure you’re getting enough

  • How your nutrition needs change from one trimester to the next

a pregnant woman

Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Concerned about your pregnancy weight gain?

A lot of pregnant mums-to-be worry about their weight during pregnancy, especially when it can feel like you’ve lost all control of your body!

But the truth is, there’s a wide range of what’s normal and healthy.

Having said that, gaining too much or too little weight during pregnancy can increase your risk of certain health issues for you and your baby such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia and delivery complications.

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to recommendations for healthy pregnancy weight gain. If you’re concerned about your weight during your pregnancy, I can help.

What you can expect in an appointment with me…

I tailor my sessions to your own individual needs, but here's what you can typically expect during an appointment with me:

1. Comprehensive Assessment: Your first prenatal dietitian appointment will likely begin with a thorough assessment of your medical history, dietary habits, lifestyle, and any specific concerns or goals you may have regarding your pregnancy nutrition.

2. Nutrition Evaluation: we’ll chat about your current diet so that I can determine if you're meeting your nutrient requirements for whatever stage of pregnancy you’re at. If there are any potential deficiencies, I’ll help you.

3. Personalised Nutrition Plan: Once I have all this information, I’ll create a personalised plan that aligns with your specific needs and dietary preferences.

4. Nutrient Needs: I’ll educate you on the increased nutrient needs during pregnancy, such as folic acid, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, and discuss strategies to ensure you meet these requirements.

5. Weight Management: If weight management is a concern, I can provide guidance on healthy weight gain during pregnancy and help you establish realistic goals.

6. Meal Planning: You'll receive practical advice on meal planning, including suggestions for balanced meals and snacks. This may involve discussing portion sizes, food choices, and how to incorporate a variety of nutrient-dense foods into your diet.

7. Food Safety: I’ll take you through everything you need to know about food safety during pregnancy and provide guidelines on foods to avoid.

8. Managing Nausea and Digestive Issues: If you're experiencing symptoms like morning sickness or heartburn, I can offer tips and strategies for modifying your diet to help you feel better.

9. Handling Food Cravings and Aversions: I can provide strategies for managing food cravings and aversions while making sure you still meet your nutritional requirements.

10. Follow-Up Appointments: Depending on your needs, i may recommend a follow-up appointment to monitor your progress, address any challenges, and make necessary adjustments to your nutrition plan.

11. Access to Resources: I’ll provide you with relevant resources, such as recipes and educational materials to support you through your pregnancy

12. Questions and Guidance: Your prenatal dietitian appointment is an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your diet, nutritional supplements, or any concerns related to pregnancy nutrition.

By providing personalised guidance and support, I can help you make informed choices for the best possible health and well-being for you and your baby.